About WFWA

  1. Our Beginning
  2. Our Mission 
  3. What Is Women's Fiction?
  4. Who Is WFWA?
  5. Agent & Editors
  6. Member Benefits
  7. Become A Member
  8. Founders
  9. Bylaws

Our Beginning

Women's Fiction Writers Association was founded in 2013 as a professional, enriching, supportive, and diverse international community for writers of women’s fiction.

Our Mission

WFWA creates community among writers to deepen connections and craft.

Guiding Principles:

At WFWA, we believe:

  • Women’s Fiction stories are transformative.
  • As a community, we come together to share diverse experiences, deepen our connections, and hone our craft.
  • In uplifting the voices of all writers.
  • Every member adds value and strength to our community.

What Is Women's Fiction?

Our stories may include romance, or they may not. They can be contemporary or historical and have magical, mystery, thriller, or other elements. Whereas the driving force of a romance novel is a love story, a mystery's is the exposure of an event, a thriller's is a fear-inducing chase or escape, etc., the driving force of women's fiction is the protagonist's journey toward a more fulfilled self. 

Women's fiction as defined by WFWA is reflected in our guiding statement:

Women's Fiction Writers Association is an inclusive organization of writers creating layered stories in which the plot is driven by the main character’s emotional journey.

Who Is WFWA?

Almost two thousand members strong, WFWA is the premier organization for women's fiction.
We are a volunteer-run, welcoming community that purposely fosters a climate of inclusion and opportunity. Members form meaningful connections and experience the diversity of humanity, which includes differences in sex, age, race, ethnicity, and national origin, range of abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, financial means, education, and political perspective. 
Whether you are an aspiring, debut, or multi-published author, the Women’s Fiction Writers Association offers resources to help you improve and succeed.

Literary Agents & Acquiring Editors

Are you a literary agent or acquiring editor who enjoys women's fiction? We'd love your involvement in WFWA. Drop us a note.

  • Enjoy access to finalists' manuscripts from our annual RISING STAR Award for unpublished women's fiction
  • Participate in our online pitch sessions with the comfort of knowing that the pitches have been polished and vetted prior to the program
  • Be featured in our Agent Spotlight series 

Member Benefits

  • Active Facebook group for members only, with open discussions on craft, industry, the writing life, and women’s fiction books
  • Option for placement within a critique group
  • Write ON! quarterly ezine subscription
  • Weekly Inside WFWA newsletter
  • Monthly Industry News newsletter
  • Online workshops led by industry experts
  • Resources, including online toolboxes for every level in a writer’s journey to publication and beyond
  • Annual writers’ retreat with nationally-recognized authors and industry professionals
  • Regional events to encourage and foster community at the local level
  • Online pitch opportunities with women's fiction-acquiring agents and editors
  • And so much more...click here to learn more about our benefits!

Become A Member

Annual dues are $62, payable at the conclusion of the registration process. 


Become A Member of WFWA Today!


WFWA Founders

Orly Konig        www.orlykonig.com
Kerry Lonsdale www.kerrylonsdale.com
Laura Drake     www.lauradrakebooks.com
Linda Avellar   
Marilyn Brant   www.marilynbrant.com
Maggie Marr    www.maggiemarr.net

 WFWA Bylaws
Women's Fiction Writers Association
C/O Treasurer
30025 Alicia Pkwy #20-2106
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677