Women’s Fiction Writers Association Celebrates Annual Women’s Fiction Day on June 8
Day Promotes Authors and Genre that Consistently Tops Bestseller Charts
March 31, 2024 – The Women’s Fiction Writers Association (WFWA), a nonprofit association of 2000 international members dedicated to supporting authors of women’s fiction, will hold its annual Women’s Fiction Day on June 8.
Women’s Fiction Day celebrates women’s fiction authors, novels, publishers, booksellers, and, most importantly, readers who appreciate women’s fiction and the power of a great story. This year for Women’s Fiction Day, members across the country will hold book signings, podcast interviews, and Live Facebook Events to engage and connect with readers.
“The driving force of women’s fiction is the protagonist’s journey to a more fulfilled self,” said WFWA President Kristi Leonard. “This genre is a wonderfully diverse kaleidoscope of stories and authors that have one thing in common: the indomitable spirit of women. And Women’s Fiction Day celebrates both readers and authors.”
For more information about Women’s Fiction Day, visit https://www.womensfictionwriters.org.
What Is Women's Fiction?
Women's fiction is a writing genre that includes layered stories in which the plot is driven by the main character’s emotional journey. The stories can be contemporary or historical, and may have magical, mystery, thriller, romance, or other elements.
The Women’s Fiction Day logo represents the organization’s inclusivity, the joy of reading, and the infinite number of stories that fall under this vibrant genre.
