Agent Pitch Event FAQ

Below are some FAQs regarding the pitch session. If you have any questions that aren't addressed below, please email our Pitch Program Coordinators.

How many manuscripts may I pitch? You may pitch ONE women’s fiction manuscript. If you post more than one manuscript, ALL of your pitches will be deleted.

My women’s fiction manuscript is not complete. Can I participate in the Pitch Session event? Only completed and unpublished women’s fiction manuscripts will be accepted for this event. Please email [email protected] to let us know if you aren't ready, so we can remove your name this round. That way, you will still be eligible to participate next round.

My manuscript has been previously self-published. Is it eligible for this event? For this event, self-published counts as published, so it is not eligible.

My women’s fiction manuscript is not complete, but I have a contemporary romance I’m querying. Can I pitch my romance manuscript? If your manuscript is not women's fiction, it's not eligible for this event. WFWA defines women's fiction as stories that center around the protagonist's emotional journey. However, many women's fiction manuscripts also contain elements from other genres, such as romance, mystery, or historical fiction, and they are still okay to pitch! If the Pitch Event team is concerned your manuscript does not meet our genre requirements, we will let you know.

Where do I post my pitch? You will be sent instructions via email guiding you on when, where and how to post your pitch. The Pitch Program will take place in our Online Community.

My pitch was deleted. Can I re-post if I correct the issue? The simple answer is yes. The specific answer and how to correct your pitch will be emailed to you.

How do I edit my post? A help document will be emailed to you as well as posted within the Online Community where the Pitch Program will take place. This help document will assist you in editing your post.

When will the agents review my pitch? From Sunday, September 15 through Sunday, September 29, 2024, participating agents will review the pitches and reply to those from whom they would like to see more. Send your materials to the agent per his/her submission instructions, which can be found in this forum under submission guidelines.

I didn’t receive replies from any of the agents. This is unfortunate, but it does happen. Querying itself is very subjective, and this is no different. We cannot guarantee an agent will request to read more of your manuscript, and we encourage you to keep querying and keep writing. WFWA offers a range of tools to help you hone your writing and your pitch in the WFWA Toolboxes, and you can also get feedback from members in our Critique Forum on Facebook.

I read some of the other pitches posted. Some are really great! Can I let the member know by replying to or "liking" the pitch? During WFWA workshops, members often comment on each others posted homework assignments. In fact, in a workshop environment, we encourage the interaction. However, the online pitch event is different. While we can't prevent you from reading each other's pitches, please DO NOT reply to or "like" a pitch. Only participating agents can reply to a pitch to request to see more material.

Which agents are participating in this event?

As of today, July 18, 2024, we are working on our participating agent list. Please know, the Pitch Program volunteers are hard at work for you!