Womens Fiction Writers Association
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February Webinar - How to Map Your Protagonist's Journey
Thursday, February 08, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Workshops/Webinars

February Webinar 

How to Map Your Protagonist's Journey

Presenter: Nicole Meier 

Host: Lisa Montanaro

Thursday, February 08, 7-8:30 PM ET

Join the Webinar


Let’s map out your protagonist’s journey by giving them a satisfying arc of change. This includes elements such as internal and external wants, obstacles, lessons, and overall growth. In this session, we’ll discuss ways to identify and incorporate these character elements so you can write forward with clarity and confidence. Come learn brainstorming tools that will help organize your ideas and go beyond the average outline!


Nicole Meier is an author and certified book coach living in the Pacific Northwest. Her books include The House of Bradbury, The Girl Made of Clay, The Second Chance Supper Club, and (forthcoming) City of Books. She has taught writing workshops in schools, libraries, wellness retreats, and writing conferences.

Free to all WFWA Members

Dates subject to change.