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May Webinar - Revise Your Novel in Five Layers: Go From BIG Picture to Polishing With a Step by Step Guide to Revising Your WIP
Thursday, May 18, 2023, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Workshops/Webinars

May Webinar 

Revise Your Novel in Five Layers:

Go From BIG Picture to Polishing With a Step by Step Guide to Revising Your WIP

Presenter: Robin Henry

Host: Lisa Montanaro

Thursday, May 18, 7-8:30 PM ET

Join the Webinar


Revision is a treacherous business with many twists and turns. It is easy to get bogged down in copy editing your work and not notice the larger structural changes and character development that will make it shine. In this session we will discuss a method of revision that consists of five layers, beginning with big picture foundations, and moving through polishing. The five layers are: Structure, Intention, Character, Seed Planting, and Details. Attendees will receive a Readerly Revision Checklist to help them make progress after the session.

Join Robin Henry, an Author Accelerator Certified coach with analytical superpowers to find out how you can use the revision process to elevate your novel and make it stand out in a crowded market.


Robin Henry is an Author Accelerator Certified Book Coach and holds an MLS (Library Science) and MA in Humanities. She is a librarian, adjunct professor of Humanities and Library Science and an independent scholar and book coach, specializing in Historical Fiction, Cozy Mysteries, and Literary Fan Fiction. She has over 20 years of experience working with books and authors, as a reviewer, book award committee member, writing teacher and coach. Writers work with Robin to craft the compelling novels readers crave about people who’ve made a difference.

Free to all WFWA members.

Dates subject to change.