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January Webinar - How to Talk to a Writer: The Dos and Don'ts of Receiving (and Giving) Feedback
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Workshops/Webinars

January Webinar 

How to Talk to a Writer:

The Dos and Don'ts of Receiving (and Giving) Feedback

Presenter: Joni Cole 

Host: Lisa Montanaro

Thursday, January 18, 7-8:30 PM ET

Join the Webinar


For years, “brutal honesty” was the standard for feedback in writing programs and critique groups. Today, we hear talk of “feedback sandwiches” and the power of positive feedback, but how do these approaches serve? In this webinar, participants will hear insights on how they can “rethink” feedback in ways that serve their creative process. They’ll learn tips on how to manage the feedback process, so it inspires them to write more and write better. And we’ll discuss how everyone—in writing and in life—can receive and give feedback in a way that is both positive and productive.


Joni B. Cole is the author of seven books, including the newly revised and expanded editions of two writing guides: Good Naked: How to Write More, Write Better, and Be Happier (listed as a “Best Books for Writers” by Poets & Writers magazine) and Toxic Feedback: Helping Writers Survive and Thrive ("I can't imagine a better guide to writing's rewards and perils than this fine book,” American Book Review). Joni is also the author of the newly released essay collection Party Like It’s 2044: Finding the Funny in Life and Death (University of New Mexico Press, Sept. 2023). For over twenty years she has taught creative writing to adults through her own writer’s center in White River Junction, Vermont, and at a diversity of academic and nonprofit programs. She is a contributor to The Writer magazine and Jane Friedman blog, and hosts the podcast “Author, Can I Ask You?”.

Free to all WFWA Members

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