Womens Fiction Writers Association
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IDEAL Literary Citizenship 101 - FREE Workshop
Monday, January 22, 2024, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Category: Workshops/Webinars

Free Workshop 

Sponsored By WFWA Diversity & Inclusion Committee:

IDEAL Literary Citizenship 101: Part 1 of 3

Presenter: Tonya Todd

Monday, January 22, 4PM PT/ 7PM ET


Join the Workshop



IDEAL Literary Citizenship is designed as a 3-part program sponsored by the WFWA Diversity and Inclusion Committee, where participants will explore the intersections of arts and implicit biases in creative workspaces to facilitate a culture of lasting change within WFWA. Using the IDEAL model (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility), attendees will participate in exercises and roundtable discussions to learn ways to use less oppressive language in public spaces, recognize and diffuse difficult situations, discuss tensions in a productive manner, and influence inclusivity as an allied literary citizen. 

This 3-part program will offer a 101-style Workshop, a Q&A Discussion, and an Interactive Assessment, and is limited to 40 participants to ensure interaction. WFWA members have access to these offerings for free and will be able to participate in the 3-part program from January to May, or later in the year when it will be repeated from July to December.

The first Workshop is scheduled for January 22nd at 4PM PT/ 7PM PT. Here is a list of the subsequent dates in the first 3-part program:

  • January 22, 2024 at 4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern - IDEAL Literary Citizenship 101
  • March 19, 2024 at 4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern - IDEAL Literary Citizenship Q&A
  • May 21, 2024 at 4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern - IDEAL Literary Citizenship Interactive Assessment 
Format: Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Please note this will be an interactive Zoom meeting with audio and video for attendees and will not be recorded to provide a safe space. Each session is first come first serve and designed so that members can attend the 2nd or 3rd part even if they missed the first. 


Tonya Todd (she/her) is an author, actress, screenwriter, and sensitivity reader, based in Las Vegas. As co-host of the international collective Femme On podcast, she interviews women about their fitness journeys (Femme on Fitness), encourages advocacy (Active Activism), and hosts panel discussions promoting the freedom to read (Banned Books Conversations).

During her four years on the board of Henderson Writers Group, Tonya spearheaded education for authors at all levels. She presents at conferences, at workshops, and on panels about Diversity in Publishing, Black Literary Voices, Own Voices, Inclusive Writing Practices, Literary Citizenship, and Reading like a Pro. Her continued involvement in the literary, theatre, and filmmaking communities provides a platform to champion marginalized artists and contributes toward an environment that embraces a variety of voices.


Free to all WFWA Members

Dates subject to change.